

We are also accepting custom orders.

Prices Range from $15-$30 per Strand | Restringing- $5 per Strand


We first learned to bead about 10 yrs ago from a woman who learned directly from the women of Ghana, West Africa. Waistbeads which can also be worn on the wrists and ankles serve a different purpose for every woman that chooses to adorn herself with them. Some women wear them for body awareness, to increase sensuality, to regulate weight, & to feel beautyFULL. Beads are used to celebrate the arrival of a new baby girl, or as a rites of passage, for young girls moving into adulthood. We hold those same beliefs. Our existence should be celebrated by adorning ourselves physically & spiritually.

If youʼve noticed, or not weʼve chosen to include Roman numerals number 13 into the spelling of GXDDIIISS BEADZ. The number 13 is very special for women. In tarot & occultism 13 represents transformation, death & rebirth. Women and 13 have a direct alignment. There are about 13 new moon cycles every year & women have about 13 periods a year giving us the opportunity to self reflect & transform our ways of thinking & being every month. Menstruating may be dreaded by majority of women now, but it used to be a holy time. In earlier times when women ate off the land & lived in close quarters with one another their moon cycles would sync. This made it an ideal time for women to come together & menstruate in groups rather than alone. During the time of menstruation womenʼs sensitivity & intuition is extremely heightened. Making it an ideal time to asses their current lifestyles & create new plans to accommodate them. This coupled with the energy of the new moon made it a grand time for focused intention & manifestation. The women were so aligned & mystical that it became threatening to the patriarchal system, which then lead to the demonizing of our innate womb work. 13 no longer was revered, but cursed & called unlucky. Since, we’ve moved further away from living with the land & into more processed ways of being in relationship with our earth & as a result we’re out of sync with the earth & the yin energy of the moon. All of this has lead to disruptive and difficult menstrual cycles. Instead of embraced, our cycles have become an experience that is dreaded, shunned & kept in the dark. Women no longer gather to celebrate a girlʼs first moon anymore nor is wisdom from the elders shared in womb confidence.

Our intent with GXDDIIISS BEADZ is to reestablish & reconnect you with you. By adorning yourself you can bring yourself back into awareness & appreciation for your body. You can hold intentional space for your cycle and wholly respect the divine process of change & transformation your body goes through. Every month our world gifts us a new moon with the opportunity to reset, refresh & be present. Our intent much like the new moon is to assist & facilitate with that energy. We hope GXDDIIISS Beadz can support & honor your shifts in everyday realizations, heighten awareness & remind you to hold space for yourself first by honoring you alwayz in all wayz.